Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Not Much Going all

So nothing really new to report other than I haven't made any changes in weight in a long time. I think I'm going to call the doc to set up another fill appointment. I've noticed that I'm eating more than I should and I still feel hungry after I eat.

School's starting soon and I need to get ready for that, but trying to enjoy the last days of summer vacation. My son needs to get on a schedule soon or my daycare provider is not going to be very happy with us when he doesn't take naps and helps himself to the refrigerator whenever he wants.

Looking forward to going to the State Fair. Hoping I can find some food I can eat. I know there will be plenty I want, but shouldn't eat....mmmm....cheese curds.

1 comment:

  1. Heh! My youngest will be starting daycare soon for the first time (only 1 day a week, but still) and they are probably not going to be impressed with the lack of schedule she has too. :D
