I had my first fill yesterday. It was very strange. I got into the room and the nurse took my blood pressure and then the dietitian came in and asked me about what I was eating and how I was exercising. I know it wasn't his plan to make me feel bad, but by asking all the questions it feels like he's second guessing everything I've been doing.
When the doctor came in he asked me if I was hungry after meals and that with this fill it should fix that. He had me lay down on the table and point to where my port was. He felt my stomach for it and then swabbed it with an alcohol wipe. He turned around to get the needle and when he turned back I saw the biggest needle I've ever seen. I knew he wasn't going to stick the whole thing in me, but it sure is intimidating. It had to be at least 5 to 6 inches long with a syringe on the end. When he stuck it in, it didn't hurt at all. He then started to push the fluid in and immediately felt the tightness in my chest. I then had to sit up with the needle still sticking out of me, bobbing up and down. It was like something you would see in a comedy movie. The doctor them gave me a bottle of water to drink.
*Thank you to the lady in the waiting room who warned my about the next part.
As I was drinking the water, it completely filled up my esophagus. I now realized that the doctor had completely filled my band and closed my stomach off. He said let me know when the water is at the back of your throat. It's the strangest feeling. It feels like you're close to drowning. You have to make sure you're relaxed or you could panic like you were drowning. Once the liquid was all the way up my throat. He started to pull out the liquid and told me to let him know when the water drained out. He said that water should always flow right through the band. So when I felt it was okay he had me chug the rest of the bottle of water to make sure it went through freely. By the way, the needle is still sticking out of me, bobbing as I move. I then had to stand up and the doctor took the needle out. He said I got 2.8 cc's.
The funniest part of the appointment was the doctor explaining the "filet 'o fish test" to me. He said that if I'm not sure if I need a fill I have to go to McDonald's and order a filet 'o fish. I then need to take off the bun and eat the fish with cheese and tarter sauce. If I feel like I can eat more I need a fill. If I barely goes down I probably need to have some fluid taken out. I'm sorry, but I've never eaten a filet 'o fish in my life and the fact that my weight loss surgeon is telling me to go to McDonald's to eat a fried piece of fish just makes me laugh.